Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Catching up.

Well I realize I have been doing a horrible job up keeping up with this blog. I could say that it's because of my massive homework load, or the fact that I have 2 days to finish an entire Richter Grant proposal, but it's really most likely because I'm just having too much fun.

In the past few weeks so much has happen. The most important of which is my birthday ha. I found it rather strange making birthday plans when I am so far away from home, and the people that I normally spend my birthday with. However it was still a wonderful birthday. I was surprised by Carrie and Jessica, who had decorated Carries entire living room with balloons and such. We then proceeded to make macaroni and cheese (which was a failure), and order some pizza. Overall a pretty American evening.

Last weekend I got to feel like an actual tourist for the first time since I have arrived. We went to Hagia Sofia, and the Blue Mosque, and then The Grand Bazaar and Spice Bazaar afterwards. It was so amazing to see monuments that I have studied in my Art History classes in real life. I could talk about how beautiful they all were, but I'll just give you some photos so you can see for yourself.

Hagia Sofia 
Being a tourist

And again

Blue Mosque

Inside of the Blue Mosque

Inside of the Hagia Sofia

Inside of the Hagia Sofia 

Being surprised on my birthday!

Family photo after going to the market on my birthday.

Yummy desserts 

The sneaky decorators 


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