Monday, February 20, 2012

Boğaziçi vs. Hanover

After a pretty easy first day of classes, I started to think about how different Boğaziçi is from Hanover. Let me start by saying that if I had gone to UofL, or UK, I know I would be an entirely different person. I would have joined a sorority, and who knows what else. So in no way do I regret my choice of Hanover. However, being on such a big campus has its benefits. In my boredom I have created a list:

1. The atmosphere: It forces every student to be independent. I made the 20 min walk to South campus with my ipod playing, and without recognizing a single face that I passed. Two things I would have never done at Hanover. It is refreshing to feel like a grown-up, doing grown-up things.

2. The people: NO SWEATPANTS ALLOWED. Thank God for that. I never have to see another person who looked like they just rolled out of bed and into class. 

3. The classes: My professor today told the class that she could care less if we came to class or not. Although I doubt I will be skipping many classes, I never have to be afraid I will see my professors walking through campus, or get an email asking why I missed class. 

4. The food: Although there is a cafeteria on campus, most students seem to eat at cafe's close to campus or cook for themselves. For 4 whole months I won't have to worry about stomach aches after CC meals, or be tempted to eat greasy breadsticks at 10pm. 

5. The textbooks: Well they don't exist here. So far, I have one print out copy for my Turkish language class, and required reading in the library for my other class. It sure is nice to not have to spend $300 for books. 

Maybe I'll just never leave Turkey. That sure would be nice. Except, I really do miss Qdoba (Chipotle), and Jimmy Johns. 


At February 20, 2012 at 6:37 AM , Anonymous carrie Gavit said...

qdoba? bitch please.


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