Monday, February 13, 2012

Free Time

The last couple of days have been filled with stressful days and crazy nights. I have spent entirely too much money in Taksim, and on other none necessities. I will say that the Turks love their late nights in Taksim. All of this is going on while still trying to register for classes. Although, I am very happy with what I have right now.

As an American, a baked potato is a generally safe and delicious meal. Well in Turkey they have Kimpur which is like a loaded potato, loaded with things most Americans would turn their nose up at. I was so excited to try one of these, and after a long day at The Grand Bazaar it sounded like the perfect dinner. I did not expect it to be loaded with pickles, potato salad, mushrooms, corn, peas, ezme, couscous, and all sorts of other random items.

As you can tell from my expression in the photo, the potato was a little too much for my unadjusted stomach. It left me entirely too full. The 45 minute traffic filled bus ride home didn't help either. I guess I really am getting the full city life experience.

I am still looking for that one delicious, traditional Turkish meal. If you have any suggestions pass 'em this way.

That's all for now.


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