Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

The first holiday well spent in Turkey! It was a pretty lazy day to be honest. Woke up late to chocolates from the bestie, then proceeded to walk to the mall to smell perfume. (I almost bought Marc Jacobs Daisy for 40 lira at The Grand Bazaar. SO CHEAP!)

We all decided to make a family dinner that night consisting of pasta and salad, followed by donuts for dessert. It was nice to actually eat a substantial meal instead of beyaz penyir (grilled cheese) or pide. Overall, it was a very successful evening.

I never thought I would actually be excited for homework, but just sitting around for 2 weeks has made me feel so lazy. Luckily, I got all of my classes registered except for one which I will figure out next week. I am so looking forward to my roommates moving in, getting in the routine of classes, and starting to meet a bunch of new people, but I can already tell that the time here is going to fly by.


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