Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Potato Pide

If there one food that I have found in Turkey so far that is delicious, easy, and vegetarian, it is potato pide. It is essentially pita bread, or fillo bread filled with your choice of potatoes, cheese, spinach and cheese, or meat. Since arriving we have all eaten probably 5 of these.

Another adjustment is being able to legally drink here. At dinner last night we all order Efes beer, which is brewed in Turkey. It was so good. Another interesting drink is Raki. Well actually, I think it was disgusting, but if you like licorice you will love it. It is meant to be drank with a traditional Turkish meal, but we did not know this upon buying it.

It is still difficult to figure out food and drink, especially with a group of vegetarians. So far everything has been very good though. The next goal is to have a traditional Turkish meal that is vegetarian friendly.


At February 9, 2012 at 5:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can see if there is any place that you can find that sells vegetarian Manti. It's a delicious Turkish ravioli smothered in yogurt! Super delicious!


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