Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Life abroad

Let me start by apologizing for my lack of updates.

My time here is winding down, and I just can't seem to believe it. I am in my last week of classes, with my first final in 2 days, and the rest following shortly after.

I've been spending the my time recently working on revision, and memorization for all of my courses. Which is quite the drag if I do say so myself. It has reached that time of the year where I would much rather just enjoying my time here, than focusing on classes. But oh well, nose to the grind stone.

The weather has changed drastically in the last few weeks. Now it is hot hot hot, and sunny. Much like how you would dream Istanbul would always be. But I must say I love this city no matter what the weather. The new weather has brought out more outdoor tables at restaurants, dresses and skirts, and best of all, ICE CREAM. I will admit to having a love affair with the desserts here because they are just so much better. My favorite I have found so far is the Obama. Literally, it is a ball of chocolate filled with a chocolate chip filling. Now, pretending this is not entirely too racist, it is actually quite funny. The shop keepers even like to joke about it when you mention the connection.

Knowing that I am becoming a "local" pretty much started the moment I started hating places such as The Grand Bazaar, and The Spice Bazaar. My disdain for these places has grown so great, that I have been putting off souvenir shopping until I find it absolutely necessary. When this occurs I usually spend an entire day at these places, and leave with full bags and in not the best of moods.

I am growing quite sentimental about leaving. I find it a bit unfair almost, to be uprooted again right when I have become so used to this place.

Anyways, enough of that. I know you are all only here to see pictures. So here you go.

Me and Carrie at our fancy schmancy resort for spring break in Antalya, Turkey. 

Enjoying the perks of food and drink being all inclusive. 

Toes so close to the Mediterranean! 

Posing in Antalya by the Mediterranean! 

The water was much colder than anticipated. In Olympos, Turkey. 

Hiking through Roman Ruins in Olympos, Turkey. 

View from The Galata Bridge leading to the Spice Bazaar and Grand Bazaar. 

Saturdays are spent flying kites at Bogazici University. 

Turkish flags in Sultanahmet 

Topkapi Palace! 

Posing on one of the balconies of the beautiful Topkapi Palace. 

Because Turkish babies are just the cutest. 

View to the Asian side of Turkey on a blustery day at Topkapi Palace. 

Paige and I at a local gallery opening. It was quite posh and fancy.