Tuesday, February 7, 2012


 Here I am! This is my humble abode for the next 4 months. Yes, it's small, and yes, it's a bit plain at the moment, but it's so much better than a hotel. I finally feel like I have a home base. I'm glad that I brought my own sheets, but I may need to buy another blanket soon if it gets much colder.

The Superdorm is much bigger than any dorm at Hanover. In fact, it's probably the size of every Hanover dorm put together. In the basement, there is a market which has items similar to a gas station. There is also a hair salon, and a cafe that haven't opened yet.

I have 3 roommates, all of which are Turkish. Only 1 is here so far. She is super    friendly and fun. I am excited for all my roommates to begin to move in.

 The Superdorm is about a 20 minute walk from South Campus. The walk is very nice, with a great view of the Bosphorus. It is down a very steep hill, which is no fun to walk back up, but will definitely keep us all in shape ha.

I would estimate that in the last 4 days we have walked a total of 10 miles, if not more. Good thing I brought good walking shoes! ha. Next thing to figure out are bus passes, and cooking.

Hopefully it stops raining soon.



At February 8, 2012 at 5:18 AM , Blogger Betty Lou said...

Greeting from Auburn University in Alabama!! So glad to get your blog address. Look forward to reading your postings. Sounds like Istanbul wins over Folk Week this June. Best, Betty Lou


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